New user Axechange question


I was planning on uploading my first attempt at a preset on axechange but it has a limit of 11kb for a syx file and mine is 16 kb. It really is not a complicated preset, one amp, one cab and 8 effects. Is there a trick to creating a smaller file or an appropriate way to share a file of this size?

BTW it is a preset for the intro section of Pink Floyd Sorrow. Still working on the rhythm and lead section, but was hoping for some feedback first as I am still very new at this.

Any suggestions are welcome

Axechange has to be upgraded to accommodate the larger XL file size. It is my understanding that the project is already underway.
I don't know, FAS is quite unpredictable, but in the mean time, start a new thread and attach the .syx file to your post. I believe we have a 1 MB limit to attachments here on the forum.
I don't know, FAS is quite unpredictable, but in the mean time, start a new thread and attach the .syx file to your post. I believe we have a 1 MB limit to attachments here on the forum.

+1 I would love to hear a good Sorrow preset. That was one of my favorite patches back in my Pod days.
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