New user a few questions.

DNW said:
FretboardMuncher said:
I see.

I'd love to hook it up to my PC but the program is Beta and just by 15 yrs of pc use and after building many pcs, I know that beta really means, "try at your own risk". I also went to the Axe Edit board here and ran as fast as I could after the first 100 "My midi interface does not work" threads. I was going to try it this week but I'll just wait until they release a full program fully tested.. if they ever do. The axe has been out for what 3 yrs and yet no complete edit program? I'm not trying anything "Beta" on my pcs.

As JJ said, you can use other programs instead if you don't want to try the Axe-Edit Beta.

I've not tried any myself though. I used to use the original non-FAS editor (only for firmware updates really), and now use the beta. I haven't had any problems with it as such, but it did take me a bit to figure out just WTF was going on when trying to load in user cabs. I've always been a front panel tweaker too, but naving recently played around with Axe-Edit for a bit of patch editing, I think it is really pretty good on that side of things.

P.S. I'll take your rather concise, "I see," as meaning, "FFS, why is he still going on about this?! :?"
:lol: Apologies... I do tend to get carried away sometimes. :mrgreen:

I didn't know you could use other programs, I'll look into it then. Thanks guys. :mrgreen:

Well, when I see something on a forum might lead to a discussion or possibly an argument I reply with "I see" or "Ok" :mrgreen: or just ignore the whole thing. I don't argue over forums or internet. No need to apoligize I have rhinoceros skin, it's all cool besides you ARE helping and giving advice which is all I was looking for. :mrgreen:
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