New unit came today and within 10 minutes there are problems

To the OP, glad ya got a working unit!

Now, for the Lady GaGa stuff....if you still call this woman talentless after listening to this, you should stop playing music and pursue something else, because your heart is in the wrong place.
Lady Gaga - Paparazzi (Live Acoustic) - YouTube

And onto her touring band. Here's how the auditions went for her guitarist, written by a dude who actually auditioned and made it to the 2nd round.
Guitar Lessons, Interviews, News, Reviews, & More | Guitar Messenger – Auditioning For Lady Gaga

Surprised no one has mentioned Nuno playing for Rihanna yet, either.

One of my best friends I grew up with is a drummer who went to Berklee after high school. We grew up on Dream Theater and Metallica. Before he even went to Berklee, he was playing Dream Theater songs fill for fill, flawlessly. He ended up taking private lessons with Mike Mangini and Rod Morgenstein....needless to say, he developed some SERIOUS chops. He's never worked a real job in his life....ya know what he does for a living? Playing simple 4/4 rhythms in a couple different blues based bands, teaches lessons to children and does studio sessions all around Boston. He can play his ass off, but he gets to do what he loves, (playing music, first and foremost) for a living. Would he prefer to be doing some crazy prog-metal? No doubt...but he'd much rather be able to pay his bills by playing ANY kind of music rather than be a starving artist.

I'm envious of him. I had my head stuck so far up my "Metal or NOTHING" ass, I didn't even care about session gigs or not making money off music.

In the end, I'M the sell-out. I'm not doing what I want to in order to make money.

Those guys in Madonna or GaGa's band are building AMAZING resumes and making great connections. You think they'll have a hard time finding work after the tour's over? Doubt it.

Oh...and that Celebrity Net Worth site is a crock of shit. Randy, the singer for Lamb Of God tweeted about that a while ago, he doesn't have close to what that site says he does. There are WAY too many factors that go into someone's personal finances for that site to even exist.
Rev - good post. Maybe some folks didn't know she plays piano. More than most lead singers can do. I know a bunch of very talented guys, VERY talented guys who ended up playing with some very successful big name bands that some might consider lame. But they're making money, touring and happy. Used to be several great jazz bassists and guitarists I knew who wore the spandex thing and played bass for some un-named famous metal bands. They didn't dig the music, but they enjoyed what they were making money-wise and never complained. Neither did I.
Gaga is insanely talented. She was accepted for early admission to NYU Tisch School of Arts for pete's sake... Which she dropped out of to become lady gaga. The vast majority of the people on this forum wouldn't get accepted to that program.

Expanding on Rev's point, I was having a conversation with a friend of mine who owns a guitar shop and gives lessons. He was telling this 16 year old kid (unbelievable player at 16 btw) how his older students want to learn all the simple stuff. His main point was "those people go out camping with their friends, play these songs and have a good time. Meanwhile, we're in our rooms alone honing these crazy techniques. THEY'RE the rockstars, not us!" That is such a valid point to remember. It's one thing to be able to rip a billion notes per second, but remember that it's a means to an end. If all you do is practice and don't go out and use your abilities to have fun, what's the point?
majority of music listeners will appreciate a simple I IV V chord progression more than a blazing guitar solo. knowing when to shred and when to play "simple" chords is what makes a great musician in today's business.

but if you aren't concerned with the business side, your actions will self-regulate and keep you from progressing in the music scene, leaving you sitting there and asking yourself why.
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