New to Fractal


Hello everyone. I'm new to the world of Fractal. I recently had my trusty Rivera rm1 die and two weeks later my gcx died as well. So I'm starting over after many years of using this pedal board and the rack for bigger venues. I started fresh with a new fx8. I orded the new mk2 with some humbusters and a ev1 expression pedal. look by forward to using this with my Splawn for both channel switching and effects. Just thought I would introduce myself. 80s rock cover band, mainly play ESP, Charvel and old Gibsons. I'm sure I'm going to need to ask some questions so I get the most of my fx8. Thank you
Welcome Cecilbag,

I'm confident you will not look back - The only regret will be how long it took you to come and join 'Team Fractal' haha...
Enjoy! - Remember any questions are welcome.

Welcome. Newb as well.

Agree with pauly... my only regret about the FX8 is that it took me so long to make the change from discrete pedals.
I also am a newbie, loving the fx8 and have some tones in that I am delighted with and some new ones that I have never had. Again I was a long term line 6 user (Xt live and hd 500 the latter being an expensive regret with thin/harsh tones and unreliable switches). Still not quite got the compressors as I wish but this unit has so much to it you should not regret it. I thought I would miss some pedals but definitely do not and love the simple integration of amp switching too!!!
Thanks guys. I've been wanting an fx8 from r quite some time but after my main pedalboard went down followed by the backup going out, I had to pull the trigger. I never have used much for effects. Just some occasional delay but mainly just an overdrive for solos. Now I can have everything I've always thought could be cool at my feet. Finally put a phase into Van Halen, wah into sweet child etc etc. can't wait for it to arrive. Then figuring out how to set it up. I'm sure I will be bending the forums ear on setting up the fx8. I play 4-5 hour shows a few times a week so it will be nice to open up the creativity with all the new spices.
welcome to the forum! have fun with the new toy, for sure you will not regret with your purchase.
Congrats and welcome. I just got my FX8 as well and am really enjoying it so far. And I have only messed with it enough to figure out and test connectivity, and update it to 5.03.
Well I received my fx8 and am really enjoying it. It takes a little getting familiar with the screen but I'm getting around decent now. I had been reading through the PDF prior to getting it. So far I'm loving it but really need to get a new computer so I can get the most out of it with fx8 edit. Any suggestions on what you guys are using for pedalboards would be appreciated. I don't think my old ps45 will work anymore with the handle being so tall. I will really get chance to sample the sounds in depth tomorrow. So far so good. It sounds great.
Any suggestions on what you guys are using for pedalboards would be appreciated. I don't think my old ps45 will work anymore with the handle being so tall.

I'm probably going to do a custom pedalboard. I ordered one from for my GigRig G2 board and it's awesome. I'll be happy to do business with them again.
Turns out that when I took the rubber feet off and applied the Velcro my old trusty ps45 skb board still works. It's actually perfect I just need to add a second expression pedal. Used it the last two nights back to back fr gigs and really blew me away. Such a great unit
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