New to Axe. Should I sell my pedals?

I keep pedals on my board, but mostly just so I can quickly tweak some settings on the fly if I need to. Some others, I don't really need, but will keep for using with a tube amp.

  • Dynacomp - don't need; compressor in Axe is way better/more versatile
  • Soul Food - gonna keep because I love it and it's great to be able to quickly change some settings if I need to.
  • Big Muff - removed; sounds WAY better and less noisey in the Axe drive block
  • EQD Disaster Transport - love playing with the oscillation and being able to quickly change delay settings, it also sounds a little different than what I can (easily) achieve in the Axe; definitely a keeper
  • Ditto X4 looper - fun effects, and having creative controls at my feet is great; keeper.
That all being said, I'm working with the II, and having an FC-12 with the III would alleviate my need for the Ditto looper. The only thing I really feel I need is the delay so I can play with the oscillation. That's about it. 🤷‍♂️
I’ve started selling off all my pedals. I’m keeping my wah (Dunlop JP, yes I know people have modeled it but I like it ha). The Meris stuff is cool but without an easy way to store presets and always having to look at the manual to know what the secondary parameters are I’ll stick to axe edit. Fractal really set the bar high and it’s hard to justify a traditional rig anymore.
I kept my pedal board. I keep it at the venue I play at. I’m sure no one has ever had their axe fx fail or maybe a midi controller? If they do, break out the pedal board and a clean Fender Reverb.
I once sold all my pedals but missed some, so now I have a pedalboard with some special pedals, e.g.Plus Sustain Pedal, Chase Bliss MOOD, Maneco Sweet 16 DD, Red Panda Particle V2 and an Eventide H9 - they sound great with my III :)

I gave it a try, really close I'd say, but cannot be 100% sure, my actual Budwah is on a Pedalboard that cannot connect to the Axe. I just made an slight change to your settings and was to dim a bit the 4000 Hz band, to me one of the great things of that pedal is that tamed a bit the wah shrill.

Thanks man, I'll make a block for it!
I think the only one I’m keeping over time will be my Zvex Fuzz Factory. I’m unsure that was ever fully solved for the Axe Fx.
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