Just to clarify the pricing. There are two version of the AXE FX on the store. One available to the public at a premium price of 2599. Another for wait list customers for 2999. In theory someone could steal away one of the wait list customers if they wanted to pay $3000 and the other premium priced one wasnt available.
Someone else just posted that the waiting list coupon was for $800 off.

So, can anyone actually confirm whether the coupon is for 400 off the 2599 price or the 2999 price? The way it is worded says you will receive a 400 off coupon which applies to the listed price..... according to that it would be off of 2999.95 because that is the listed price in the wait list area.
Hopefully, Fractal can clear this up for us
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Just to clarify the pricing. There are two version of the AXE FX on the store. One available to the public at a premium price of 2599. Another for wait list customers for 2999. In theory someone could steal away one of the wait list customers if they wanted to pay $3000 and the other premium priced one wasnt available.
Unless you gotta use the price coupon as a way for it to be added to your cart?
The waiting list axe II says it has units in stick for $2999!!!

All you guys with your waiting list coupons should be able to get one now!!!
Well this is pretty cool. There aught to be fewer nutbars willing to pay 3k to linejump. Now that coupons have started going out more will be willing to wait from here on. And yet for the desperate there will still be a 2599 option.

EDIT - oh.. there it is!
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Well this is pretty cool. There aught to be fewer nutbars willing to pay 3k to linejump. Now that coupons have started going out more will be willing to wait from here on. And yet for the desperate there will still be a 2599 option.

BTW, I can't see a 2,999 item at all. I'm assuming it's due to my Canadian IP address.

Really? Click on the axe fx 2 for waiting list coupon link thing
- Congrats to Fractal, the new store looks like it will solve every nag currently existing (except for Canadians :p)

- ChrisYoung, gilmourfan, claudel - At least 3 waitlist coupons out... any others?
Yes really. It's as if it doesn't exist. If I had a US proxy server address handy and was set up to browse through that I could verify it's a Canada thing.

It took me a minute to notice it, but are you saying the copy/past below doesn't show up for you?

IMPORTANT: The waiting list coupon will NOT work for the product shown on this page. Instead, customers with a coupon must use the Axe-Fx II for Waiting List Customers, which allows us to earmark inventory for these customers.
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