New Periphery Album


Has anyone given the new Periphery album a listen? Some jaw dropping AxeII high gain / clean tones on it. I'm already blown away by my Axe every day I turn it on but this album just took things to a new level. Very happy for these guys and for the nice push Fractal will get with the younger players as a result.
Im pretty sure theres studio footage of them using an actual 5153 to record the album :(

Btw, I was super pumped for the album but I was kinda disappointed too
Yeah it's the Axe-II going into a Peavey preamp and an actual Mesa cab with multiple mics on it. So... it has Axe-II preamps and effects.
are you guys grabbing torrents or is it streaming from somewhere?

A store in Australia started selling the album early and now it is up for grabs all over the web. The band just put the whole album up to stream on youtube to counter it.
The Axe FxII was the most important element in the new album just like it was in the first. Listening to the album as we speak and I love it. The Petrucci solo is fantastic!!!!
Great stuff, I'm a recent convert.. Great stuff. Found out about them last year when I chanced upon the 'Jetpacks was yes' video on youtube and from then on i was hooked!
Could you share how you got that tone? It sounds great! Just like basic amp / cab settings that is.. If you dont mind!

Sure man! Chain is like this:

guitar - compressor pedal [sustain 2.32, attack and release 0, level noon] - drive [T808 MOD, drive 0, level full, tone noon] - amp [FAS Modern, drive 4, everything noon except presence 5 and master 3.5] - matched IR

Noise gate is pretty tight but basically everything set to noon. The IR was matched from under a second worth of guitar. I don't even know which song it was though. Just used the stream for it.

EDIT: Found the part I used! It's the last song Masamune after the high pitch singing part. You know that Ab note that's being played on the left hand side.
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Sure man! Chain is like this:

guitar - compressor pedal [sustain 2.32, attack and release 0, level noon] - drive [T808 MOD, drive 0, level full, tone noon] - amp [FAS Modern, drive 4, everything noon except presence 5 and master 3.5] - matched IR

Noise gate is pretty tight but basically everything set to noon. The IR was matched from under a second worth of guitar. I don't even know which song it was though. Just used the stream for it.

EDIT: Found the part I used! It's the last song Masamune after the high pitch singing part. You know that Ab note that's being played on the left hand side.

Trying this out later. Thanks.
His and Guthrie's are just out of this world good!

Yes indeed both those solos were phenomenal. Misha would be playing that Guthrie solo live,that's pretty awesome.Mark would be playing the Petrucci solo. Although I wanted Jake to play the Petrucci solo live as he is his nephew.
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