New Passive Wedgies

Jerry K.

I got my new passive wedgies today. They sound great! I am using a QSC RMX 1450 power amp running in stereo and it is awesome. I play a lot of clean jazz and funk stuff and I was worried about lack of volume. I have so much headroom it is crazy. I have not opened this rig all the way up but in my basement studio I got it louder than I could take it.

The speakers add a nice compression to the sound. I have been using JBL Eons and they sound OK but there is a noted difference. I will post a follow up review in the next few days as I begin to play my new rig. I can't wait!
Keep us posted. I'm looking into this exact setup. I emailed Atomic to get on the wait list but never heard back. :(
iceman said:
Keep us posted. I'm looking into this exact setup. I emailed Atomic to get on the wait list but never heard back. :(

I never heard back either. I have to believe that you get added to the waitlist when you send in your email (no response sent). Then they contact you when they have available product and when your name is next on the list. You then have the option to move forward or not.
Quite frankly, I think this is a little silly. I would much prefer some type of web form / automated response / tracking number / system, etc... as opposed to emailing blindly and hoping you are actually added to the list. I am also hoping that once production (and hopefully for Atomic, sales) ramp up this process starts to gel better for Atomic and everyone else involved. It's a little kludgey and it requires a leap of faith when you are setting aside hundreds (in some case thousands) of dollars for a product that may (or may not) show up depending on whether "they" get your email or "you" get added to a list.
Okay, rant over. The only reason I'm sticking with this is that I was on the first Atomic powered FR waitlist (for a year lol!) and it actually worked out okay. Not so for other people from what I understand.
If I recall, this is also how the original Fractal system was setup as well. You emailed, got your name on the waitlist (no response saying, "Okay you are now on the list!"), waited 5-8 months and then got an email out of no where giving you the option to buy or pass...
When I emailed to get on the wait list for the active wedges, I got an email from Tom an hour later saying I was on the list. It only took a couple weeks before I got the "your next on the list" email.
Because I don't have ears on my knees!

I like to sit on a stool in front of my Axe, so I like a speaker that's pointed at my head. With traditional shapes, I always end up tilting them against the wall. I can't friggin' wait for my atomics to get here!
Sidivan said:
When I emailed to get on the wait list for the active wedges, I got an email from Tom an hour later saying I was on the list. It only took a couple weeks before I got the "your next on the list" email.

Uh oh that's not encouraging since I got no reply. I'll have to email again I guess. I'm with the above poster that this seems a bit silly and disorganized. No choice but to play along though...
Got a chance to unpack and play through my new pair of passive wedges today. They seemed to be a bit bassy/muffled at first with tweeter level set at 12:00 (I assume this is still the neutral setting like in my active cab) and had to turn them up to full to sound good. I'm running stereo through an old Carvin T100 power amp (not TS100) and had the presence knobs on back set at halfway. Once I turned these up to full, I backed the tweeters back down to 50% and it sounds like I think it should. Unfortunately, I left my Active Reactor cab at rehearsal space since we will be practicing again in a couple of days. Once I get it back home, I'll do a comparison. I also want to try running the power section from my active and using the wedge as external cab and see how it compares.

I will also consider switching to a SS power amp due to weight, but the T100 sounds good to me. Not sure if anyone had compared the older T100 to the TS100, yet.
I got my Reactor Series wedges too -- Actives. I previously used a pair of Mackie SRM450s, a pair of modified TC Power Engine 60s, a pair of QSCs (K10s+Sub), and most recently, a pair of Reactor FR cabs. My findings were different from Gizmo's, but then, I'm not using an old Carvin TS... I was *really* happy right out of the box with these. Patches programmed in my Adam studio monitors sound great. Cleans have sweet chime, crunch gets a great balance of body and bite, and the overall sound is spacious, clear, and as far as I am concerned, LOUD. If anything, I think the angled speaker plane serves to project highs where I most want them and also avoid the effect of coupling with the floor, resulting in a very balanced low end all the way up to a few hundred Hz with no bumps or thumps (and no need for an amp stand, meaning one less trip to and from the car). Another nice thing about the wedges is that when I put them in the back seat of the Saturn, I can lean a guitar back on them and still have room for a mic stand. The weight is just about right too-- I can move these without a helper even when I'm tired. I also spoke to Dweezil last night -- he will be playing through the same wedges this week next week both solo and with ZPZ. I'll report back if there's some new news here or there. Thumbs up!
I'm actually happy with my passive wedges, just need to make adjustment for different amp than used in active cab. Will try to do a direct comparison of active and passive cabs once I get my active back from rehearsal. Like the fact that they are lighter and can be carried with one hand if needed. I'm not sure why the cabs were designed with the straps on top for carrying - would be fine if the weight was balanced, but the power section is on one side making it somewhat unwieldy to carry by straps (talking about the active cabs). I usually carry them by the sides/bottom anyway. The older reactor series had recessed handles on sides (much more ergonomic) which made them much easier to carry despite being a bit larger (not sure if any heavier).
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