Not a Bug New Firmware Input Clipping

I use an PRS with 85/15 pickup…
With AxeFx3 I set the input sensitivity at 35% to “Tickle the red”. Same thing with FM9.
Until firmware 4.00….
From firmware 4.01 fractal has added the signal clipping. Solution? Don’t watch.
Watch the input led on board, not the text on screen.
The way as input AD works is not change, input sensitivity and digital converter works at the same way. Simply Fractal has decided to show on the screen when the input “tickle red”.
For my guitar it worked perfectly at 35% with the previously firmware. With this last firmware I keep the same value.
ok thanks, so you recommend input at 10-20% and output at how much db?, I have it on -10 db now
Only you know what to set the sensitivity to for your guitar. Start with the sensitivity turned up. Strum chords and turn it down until the clipping warning goes away. This replaces the old "tickle the red" method, because that method did not indicate when you're clipping.
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