New Firmware for FM9

Hi guys, do you know if a new firmware is in the pipeline for our FM9s? If you have any info.

Generally speaking, if a new feature or upgraded capability comes to the FX3 or FM3, it will soon-ish arrive on the FM9 platform. Key word: "soon-ish". Only the beta testers and Fractal employees know for sure what the time frame is.
the answer is usually yes. the timing is unknown. there was a public beta for the axe3 just days ago with new things. so hopefully it comes to the FMs.
I think that with all the activity on the FX3 Firmware, more than a few of us FM9 users have been popping in to see what's happening. I do wish they'd have a go at the more interesting FX out there and enhance the synth functions and scope as there are ,more than enough amps to keep even the biggest knob twiddler happy
Really no need to be snarky… just an honest question from a NEW user. It’s ok to be excited about a new update… how bout we keep this forum warm and welcoming? Won’t cost you a dime. 😉
I agree! You're right. I had a bad day. But sometimes I get the impression that people don’t get pleasure from the device, but from waiting for new firmware. My apologies.
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Latest FW is 7.0
AxeFX has a beta out now. When that gets sorted and released as FW25 the FM9 and FM3 wont be far behind.
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