New CD recorded w/Axe FX II

Jerry K.

Hey everyone, I wanted to let you know that I just finished my CD and it is available online. All the guitars were recorded with the Axe Fx II direct into Pro Tools, it doesn't get much easier! All of the guitars are either my Gibson 335, Suhr Modern or Godin LGX-SA. You can go to Music to take a listen. Hope you enjoy it, thanks!
I checked out a couple of tracks - sounds great!

What amp/cab/fx did you primarily use? Seems there's a nice amount of "air/space" to the sounds, did you do much postprocessing in Pro Tools?
Glad you liked it! I mainly used the Plexi Treble with a tube screamer emulation, and Mr Z 38 along with a few fenders. I did record most of the tracks dry (no FX) just so I could control the levels later. Most of the post processing was compression, eq to get it to sit nicely in the mix, delay and reverb. I also did some track doubling and offsetting here and there to get a bigger sound.
Glad you liked it! I mainly used the Plexi Treble with a tube screamer emulation, and Mr Z 38 along with a few fenders. I did record most of the tracks dry (no FX) just so I could control the levels later. Most of the post processing was compression, eq to get it to sit nicely in the mix, delay and reverb. I also did some track doubling and offsetting here and there to get a bigger sound.

Thanks! I guess you can never go wrong with a tube screamer and a Plexi!
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