New age of gigging!

Tell me 'bout it.

"and… ah… this is a new solo piece I wrote.. for the next album… and… ah.. it's called.. My B String Is A Bit Flat.. hope y'all enjoy it…"

rest of band look on adoringly…
bassist - "we love this guy… he's just soooo fkn awesome…"
2nd guitarist - " yeah.. like the crowd are like totally in the palm of his hand dude..''
drummer - "pure fknnnnnn ginyus maaannn… like pure.. fknnn ginyusss.."
New age of gigging indeed. I went from this...


To this
It's so frikken useful/valuable I bought backup.

I have the bigger one - LGX2... But definitely the best midi controller I've come across!

When I can find another used one for a decent price I will buy a backup :)

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
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