Legacy Need Help with Solos for new album

Hello Fractal Friends. I am the guitarist in the progressive metal band Leviathan from Colorado.
we are releasing a new album this year. I wanted to ask the always helpful Axe FX community, if anyone is interested in contributing some guitar solos for the new album?

I have used the Axe-fxII and Ultra on the last 3 releases and it has been a tremendous help.

I think the record would be much better if I had a few different guitar styles on it other than handling all the guitar duties myself.

If anyone is interested, Please message me and I will send you a rough stereo mix of the rhythm tracks for a section that needs flavoring, embellishment and tasty shredding.

Sounds like fun. Shoot me the tracks if you want and if they speak to me I'll see if a lead comes to me. Usually they either do or don't. If they don't I change the lead break part until something happens. So no guarantees. Might be fun to have a fractal forum lead contest.

Sounds like fun to me, as well. Similar to tahoebrian5 I'd be glad to see where it leads me. Just let me know. Cheers

Would love to help out as well.

Been in the middle of my own EP for awhile now and it will be good to venture into something different.
Do you have any clips of the music so I can tell you if any names come to mind?
Hey, Thank you to everyone that offered to track some solos for me. I will edit some sections out this weekend and post them here or on the Leviathan Reverbnation page.
The album is being recorded using Sonar X3 PE at 48k 24 bit.
I will include all the pertinent details about each clip in the file name such as Key, time signature and tempo so that you can sync with your DAW. I will also be sure to cut the clips to exact measure for perfect alignment.

Thanks again. I can't wait to hear the tasty interpretations.
Do you have any clips of the music so I can tell you if any names come to mind?
I will post the clips of sections needing guitar contributions next week.
Mark Zonder from Fates Warning played the majority of the drums on this album. It has been a dream come true for me to work with him.

Hello. Here are the first few clips needing solos. I am not sure if soundcloud will allow you to download so i have also uploaded the clips to dropbox and can invite each person to that shared folder.

Hello. Here are the first few clips needing solos. I am not sure if soundcloud will allow you to download so i have also uploaded the clips to dropbox and can invite each person to that shared folder.

Maybe something up with my iPad, but the Sound Cloud link above won't play either in the browser or via the Sound Cloud site.
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