Need help with gating

I am having an awful problem with noise. I think something is wrong with the fm9 because I never had this problem until about a month ago. It happens at home and at any venue I play at. If I’m using any dirty amp, most notably the britafs100 2, I can’t put the input boost on or put a drive pedal in front of it. The noise is horrid - buzzing. It was not doing this just over a month ago. Yea, I can add gates, but it doesn’t fix the issue. When I start playing the gate opens and the noise mixes with the guitar tone and it sounds terrible. My sound guy keeps pulling me out of the mix because of it. I used to use the FM3 with the same amp and configuration and I never had any problems. When I first got my FM9 I had no issues.

I’ve tried everything - switched all cables, changed guitars, power outlets, you name it I’ve done it.

I don’t understand what it could be. If I touch the instrument cable at the base where it plugs into the input jack, the noise dissipates greatly. I tried using input 2 and it sounds exactly the same. I tried different outputs, and it sounds the same. WTF?

Edit: Another thing that’s happening is the meter on the input block is twitching very rapidly. Like a machine gun.
Do you have a charger nearby?
I am having an awful problem with noise. I think something is wrong with the fm9 because I never had this problem until about a month ago. It happens at home and at any venue I play at. If I’m using any dirty amp, most notably the britafs100 2, I can’t put the input boost on or put a drive pedal in front of it. The noise is horrid - buzzing. It was not doing this just over a month ago. Yea, I can add gates, but it doesn’t fix the issue. When I start playing the gate opens and the noise mixes with the guitar tone and it sounds terrible. My sound guy keeps pulling me out of the mix because of it. I used to use the FM3 with the same amp and configuration and I never had any problems. When I first got my FM9 I had no issues.

I’ve tried everything - switched all cables, changed guitars, power outlets, you name it I’ve done it.

I don’t understand what it could be. If I touch the instrument cable at the base where it plugs into the input jack, the noise dissipates greatly. I tried using input 2 and it sounds exactly the same. I tried different outputs, and it sounds the same. WTF?

Edit: Another thing that’s happening is the meter on the input block is twitching very rapidly. Like a machine gun.
Sounds like a ground loop. What other equipment is connected to your FM9, and through which connectors?
So it's not bad power, it's ambient EMI. Solution is to face the least noisy way or build a faraday cage.

Edit: you could also try to shield the pickups - copper tape wrapped around / behind them.
Man it’s a bummer but I just make it a point to record somewhere else now. I can get by practicing at home with the gate block at least.
Man it’s a bummer but I just make it a point to record somewhere else now. I can get by practicing at home with the gate block at least.
I disconnected everything except the guitar and the xlr going to my FRFR.

For both of you: you need to disconnect the guitar input cable from the unit (or roll down the guitar's volume knob to 0) and disable any gates in order to tell if the noise is EMI/RFI coming in through the pickups, or coming from somewhere else downstream. To start diagnosing these noise issues I would disconnect everything from the unit except power and headphones. Most likely this will be completely silent even with gates off as the blocks on the grid don't add noise of their own and the hardware has good power filtering built in. Turn off your computer and other tech in the room for the next part. If the noise returns when the guitar is connected and volume knob turned up (gates still off), then it's definitely EMI/RFI and can be reduced with shielding the pickup cavity and/or using a dummy coil circuit.

If your guitar is wired correctly the noise will reduce when you touch the strings as all the noise picked up by your body will be sent to ground via the bridge ground. If this doesn't happen then your bridge ground is likely disconnected or there's another issue with the grounding in the instrument.

Once you have this basic guitar > fractal > headphone setup relatively quiet, then start adding other gear like speakers, USB, etc. USB is notorious for causing noise issues.
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For both of you: you need to disconnect the guitar input cable from the unit (or roll down the guitar's volume knob to 0) and disable any gates in order to tell if the noise is EMI/RFI coming in through the pickups, or coming from somewhere else downstream. To start diagnosing these noise issues I would disconnect everything from the unit except power and headphones. Most likely this will be completely silent even with gates off as the blocks on the grid don't add noise of their own and the hardware has good power filtering built in. Turn off your computer and other tech in the room for the next part. If the noise returns when the guitar is connected and volume knob turned up (gates still off), then it's definitely EMI/RFI and can be reduced with shielding the pickup cavity and/or using a dummy coil circuit.

If your guitar is wired correctly the noise will reduce when you touch the strings as all the noise picked up by your body will be sent to ground via the bridge ground. If this doesn't happen then your bridge ground is likely disconnected or there's another issue with the grounding in the instrument.

Once you have this basic guitar > fractal > headphone setup relatively quiet, then start adding other gear like speakers, USB, etc. USB is notorious for causing noise issues.
I’ll do this test. The problem is I’m getting the same issue everywhere (all venues) not just my house.
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For both of you: you need to disconnect the guitar input cable from the unit (or roll down the guitar's volume knob to 0) and disable any gates in order to tell if the noise is EMI/RFI coming in through the pickups, or coming from somewhere else downstream. To start diagnosing these noise issues I would disconnect everything from the unit except power and headphones. Most likely this will be completely silent even with gates off as the blocks on the grid don't add noise of their own and the hardware has good power filtering built in. Turn off your computer and other tech in the room for the next part. If the noise returns when the guitar is connected and volume knob turned up (gates still off), then it's definitely EMI/RFI and can be reduced with shielding the pickup cavity and/or using a dummy coil circuit.

If your guitar is wired correctly the noise will reduce when you touch the strings as all the noise picked up by your body will be sent to ground via the bridge ground. If this doesn't happen then your bridge ground is likely disconnected or there's another issue with the grounding in the instrument.

Once you have this basic guitar > fractal > headphone setup relatively quiet, then start adding other gear like speakers, USB, etc. USB is notorious for causing noise issues.
Man It’s just dirty power over here. It’s ok I can practice with the gate but yeah it’s got me forced to record elsewhere.
I unplugged my guitar and I get a loud buzz without a guitar plugged in, but only on any non clean amp. I think there’s something wrong with my FM9. I didn't even have a cable going into the input.
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I unplugged my guitar and I get a loud buzz without a guitar plugged in, but only on any non clean amp. I think there’s something wrong with my FM9. I didn't even have a cable going into the input.
Or you actually DO have dirty power and not typical EMI.

Try taking it somewhere else... Different outlet or circuit where you live, somebody else's house, etc.

Also, you can always contact support.
That’s not true, I did all of the steps, I just didn’t post it here. It seems to be emi/rfi.
But your post above said you got a loud buzz with no guitar plugged in.

In that case, almost certainly not EMI... unless you left your cable still plugged in with no guitar?
Could be...
First off, I want to say thank you to all of you who have helped out in this thread. It is very much appreciated. Sorry for not responding sooner as I have been juggling too many things lately.

To summarize -
My original pedal board configuration was set up to go through a Rockboard patch bay. To me it was a variable so I wanted to remove it. I disconnected the FM9 from everything, including my expression pedal and left only the XLR out 1 going to the FRFR, power cable coming from the wall and a guitar cable.

Whenever I would use a high gain amp, I would get a lot of noise. I have 3 les pauls, each with different pickups. My main LP is a Slash sig model 2020 with the Slash pickups in it - which are super hot. My other standard has Alnico II's in it, but it also has copper shielding in the cavity. My custom has no shielding but has Pearly Gates in it. All 3 guitars had noise, but they had different levels of it. The Slash model was the loudest and the custom was the softest. All of the guitars had the same type of noise though, a buzzing. Switching to a more tame amp like an AC20 Treble, that noise went away. Also, when touching the strings, the noise dissipated as you'd expect due to grounding. Adjusting the input 1 block gate threshold and ratio seemed to clear it up for the most part, along with dialing back the gain on the amp. After all, there is always going to be some noise, I just don't want it to be so egregious that it ruins a live show.

My next test was to use my actual rack that I use at shows, which also has a Furman power conditioner. I plugged everything into that (FM9 and the FRFR) this time. My guitar wireless input gain is set at -16, which I think had a major impact because I experienced almost no noise with the same settings. I had to drop the threshold on the input 1 gate significantly to get the same noise. When switching to a clean or crunch amp, the noise was not present, even with no additional gating.

Also - I went ahead and followed the steps @strabes mentioned (thank you for that), and everything pointed to EMI like he said. I had one situation where my FM9 was buzzing with a cable plugged into the input jack from the patch bay, but no guitar plugged into the patch bay input. Most likely user error or a glitch. Seemed odd though. I have not been able to reproduce that since. I rebooted the FM9 and it seemed to go away.

To sum everything up, I think I have a combination of "some" dirty power, amp gain and noisy guitars. So the proper solution seems to be to utilize the tools available to alleviate the noise and shape the tone so it's less harsh. The BritAFS100 2 is my favorite FAS model, but I recognize it is a very harsh amp, even at low gain settings. For example, I use it with the gain on 3.25, and the MV set to 6.

After doing some testing today, I think I have found a happy medium. I ditched any gate blocks I was using and now just use the input gate. I have it set to a threshold of -55 and a ratio of 2.5. I've also dropped the input trim of the amp to 0.895, as my main LP has very hot pickups. I got pretty obsessive about this situation and I was afraid that I might have something wrong with the FM9. I don't think that's the case. I think it's a situation where I didn't do a lot of gig level testing at home and it turned out that there's some noise there. I also think my pickups are pretty damned hot and I am getting some EMI/RFI whether it be at home or at a venue.

My path forward is to add copper shielding to both cavities on each guitar and be conscientious about gain levels and settings. Hopefully things will be better at my next show. I'm going to keep an eye on things and if I encounter more weirdness I'll report back.

Thank you to everyone who chimed in on this thread with your suggestions and advice. Much appreciated.
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