Need Help SLA2 and 2x12 guitar cab


How can I make this as transparent as possible, what I mean is If I will use the JCM800 it will sound close to the real JCM800 with a little tweaking. Is there anybody who has this setup, or maybe a patch like universal patch for this kind of set up just change the amp sim and will sound close to the real amp.
Plain and simple the best thing to do is to start with a blank amp block dial in the Britt 800 sim and play through it. If you don't like what your hearing tune the settings (basic and/or advanced) until you do. You should be able to get very close, unless you have ears of gold without having an actual JCM800 in the room with you to A/B with it can be an exercise.
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I'm using the SLA-2 as power section and I did some A/B comparison with some amps.

With 10.03 I don't need to touch anythig except gain, BMH, presence and master to get the same sound and feel.

EDIT: search the forum for the speaker resonant frequency, or look at the Yek's How Tos page on the wiki.
It's the only advanced parameter you have to tweak.
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