Need Help Reducing CPU Usage

Anthony David

Hello all! This has been my main clean preset for a good while now and I'm very pleased with it. However, I tried to record a little demo today, only to find that using the USB connection pushed CPU usage to 90 percent. This is too much because it's making noticeable strange noises. I find it odd that this happens at 90 percent, as it leaves me feeling a bit cheated with the CPU, especially seeing as how an empty preset uses 8 percent. That's almost 20 percent you can't even use! It is my dream that FAS makes an external peripheral CPU to avoid this irritation, the axes only drawback in my opinion. I would gladly pay all my money for such a thing!

Anyways, I get off track. I just need a little advice with lowering CPU without changing the sound of my patch. It is a dual amp patch with one side delayed a bit. Both chains are mostly the same, so four blocks are duplicates of others. I can't seem to find a way to remove the duplicates without effecting sound or messing with the delay. Could someone take a look and tell me what you might do to clean things up? It should be easy enough to see what I'm going for. Thank you very much in advance!

Oh, another question! I have read in various threads and on the wiki that the axe's processing priority is sound, so the screen and so on will start to fade as CPU gets too high, to preserve sound quality at higher CPU usage. This does not happen for me. When CPU hits 90, the sound turns to unpleasant noise and nothing else changes. Is there a setting to make the sound the priority? Maybe I accidentally switched it off?


  • USA Clean CPU_20140917_203715.syx
    6.3 KB · Views: 2
For anyone who is interested in the sound of the preset, cab one is Clark's Gift UR and cab two is another of Clark's IRs, called 'DS UR' in Axe Edit. I got it from the forum, but search can't find it now :ambivalence:. Any of his TEH IR's will do though!
The screen does not fade at high CPU use. The modifiers and display get sluggish. Audio alway takes priority.
I find it odd that this happens at 90 percent, as it leaves me feeling a bit cheated with the CPU, especially seeing as how an empty preset uses 8 percent. That's almost 20 percent you can't even use!

i'm sure something is using that "20%" of CPU :) it's like a computer advertised at 128 GB, but the OS takes up 8 gigs... something like that i'd guess.

maybe in the future, the CPU usage meter can be shifted so it reports 100% for anything over 90%, and an empty preset reads 0%.

seems to be the same either way though.

i can't see the preset right now, but can you change the Cab blocks to Normal res?
You can find tips on cpu reduction here CPU utilization - Axe-Fx II Wiki

Thank you very kindly! Hopefully I can find something to get rid of these duplicate blocks!.

i'm sure something is using that "20%" of CPU :) it's like a computer advertised at 128 GB, but the OS takes up 8 gigs... something like that i'd guess.

maybe in the future, the CPU usage meter can be shifted so it reports 100% for anything over 90%, and an empty preset reads 0%.

seems to be the same either way though.

i can't see the preset right now, but can you change the Cab blocks to Normal res?

I would vastly prefer it read the CPU limit as 100 instead of ninety, but only because it feels misleading to me. It is, as you said, the same thing. And I have tried normal res cabs, and something really feels missing to me. I can hardly hear a difference but the 'feel' just isn't there for me like it is with UR. Maybe if it were live, I would choose normal, but in the recording, it is just too different. It is really my routing and how I can get rid of the duplicates that concerns me here. I'm not sure there's anything else I can do without changing the sound.
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