Need help hooking up my Axe to my Apogee Duet

Hey guys, I'm new to all this home recording stuff and picked up an Apogee Duet the other day. Could someone please specify as to how I'm supposed to hook the Axe up to the Apogee? I'm at a total loss with what to do. I'd like to know what specific ins and outs to hook everything up to. I'd like to use quarter inch cables for the time being since thats all I have at the moment. Also, I'm using it into a MacBook Pro with GarageBand. Thanks guys!

Since you want to use 1/4" there is only one way. Attach the Axe-FX Output 1 Unbalanced 1/4" L and R to the Duet's 1/4" L and R inputs.

You could use the Axe-FX Output 2 but I suggest using Output 1 for starters.

Rick - Dargie 2 JP6 owner.
Rick, would the cables coming out of the output 1 outs go to the breakout jacks with the guitar label on them or the one labled with the speaker? Thanks again. I hate not knowing how to do this stuff. Also, would I have to set the Apogee to line or instrument level or anything? Thanks.

petruccirocks02 said:
Rick, would the cables coming out of the output 1 outs go to the breakout jacks with the guitar label on them or the one labled with the speaker? Thanks again. I hate not knowing how to do this stuff. Also, would I have to set the Apogee to line or instrument level or anything? Thanks.


You have to connect the outs of the Axe into the ins of the Duet with the guitar label on them.
The one labled with the speaker is where you connect your monitors (speakers).
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