Need advice for recording direct.

When i run my axe fx through my tube power amp it sounds absolutely amazing but direct its definitely more lackluster. How can increase the amount of that tube magic so to speak? Any advice or tips? Thanks in advance.
the advanced settings (easy to use in axe edit) lets you mess with the SAG and BIAS
which help emulate tube power tone.
using different drive pedals/tubes can change sound
different cab IR's and mics can affect the thickness too.
also where you are standing in relation to your cab when you play a live setup can affect it.

What do you mean by amazing?
and what do you mean my lackluster?
Is this a custom preset that you made from scratch or a bank preset?
possible that it might not just be tubes/tube emulation that needs to be tweaked.

you have an awesome piece of gear (no homo) and its an adventure to learn about perameters and what affects what, what makes this tone sound like A and this tone sound like X.
tone hunting is my favorite free time waster. haha
Well its a custom tone i made and by amazing i mean when i hit a note through the amp it's smooth as fuck and is powerful, when i do a chug on the pc its like its balls were removed haha. I think ill try to play with the bias and sag tonight i dont usually mess with those but i think thats where i need to look! Thanks man.
This thread is all about SAG.
what kind of speakers are you using on your PC?
cause if they're not built to handle the low end, it will just cut it off -
either way, you wont really get the gnarness out of the pc unless you dig deep into peram's.
cabs, mics, dials, drives, comps, etc!

you should post your preset in the preset threads and see if anyone can throw ideas on it. i'd like to hear it, myself!
the patches created to use with tube preamp and speaker cabinet does not sound the same for direct recording. you would need to create patches from scratch for direct recording.
the patches created to use with tube preamp and speaker cabinet does not sound the same for direct recording. you would need to create patches from scratch for direct recording.

OR you could just save the same patches to another slot - add (live) or (rec) to the name and mess with little things so you dont have any issues with making a continuitous sound.
i dunno about you, but i write/tweak/hone my patches to play through my mesa 212 recto cab, then use cab emulators, sag and bias to replicate THAT sound for recording.
you shouldnt have to change much else.
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