Name Your DAW!

Curious- why no Pro Tools love? I'm thinking about upgrading to a Mac and to PT 11 from an old PC and PT version. Would consider Logic but am very comfortable with PT. Thanks!
Long-time MOTU Digital Performer user, since it began in the ’80s as MIDI-only Performer. I've since amassed a truly astonishing number of plugins, so the old dog keeps learning new tricks.

I have been a ProTools user for 2 years now HOWEVER, I started out with Sonar X1 and I loved it! I'm a gadget-freak and I just love that Sonar GUI…beautiful!
The new ProTools plugins are also quite effective and nice to look at.
I have always been a Mac user and had to run Sonar on a partition, requiring a reboot every time I wanted to do something in OSX.
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