My very first djent song ever


I've been listening to djent and trying to master the playing and production techniques only for about 2 months now, so bear with me :) It still needs to be tighter, I need different pickups, a more djenty sound, still study more n more on that real djenty structure, and so on, but all excuses aside, here it is:

SoundClick artist: Fractal Axe Fx Tests - page with MP3 music downloads

I'm very curious as to what you think! Oh and yes, all guitars are Fractal (Standard). *pits on George Clooney face* "Fractal..... what else?"
In the words of a friend describing something really great...

"Oh my fuck"

This is great dude.

How did you record the guitars? direct in?
Hi all, thanks. Yes, it's recorded directed in. Very, very little distortion. Typical djent settings, although not there yet, not at all. This is only after playing 4 weeks of djent for the first time ever. And I've never been listening to djent either. I like the style, but only about 4 bands or so that I think implement it well and with some originality. Oh well...
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