My PC is all jacked up.


Does anyone have any experience using PCmover? I bought a new PC with windows 11. I used pcmover to transfer everything from my old pc to the new one. After agreeing to some prompts, my files are now all in a D: onedrive file and I’m not having any luck figuring out how to get Axeedit to see any presets. My apps all appear to be in the C: drive.
No, I'm having trouble with everything. I was able to get itunes working by directing it to the right drive but I'm not having any luck with anything else.
I'm going to do some googleing to see if I can revert this new PC back to empty and try transferring everything again.
Everything is under D:users/fromo/onedrive.....

I haven't figured out why I have this user/fromo/ondrive in addition to the D:user drive. I'm thinking if I can figure out how to move everything out of this fromo drive over to the D:user drive it may work out for me????
I wiped the new PC and did a fresh install. My email, iTunes and several of other programs I tried all seem to be working now.
I installed Fractal Bot, Axeedit and the USB driver from the Fractal website links. My AxeIII still isn’t connecting to Axe Edit. My next step is buying a new USB cable although it still connects to my old PC.
I already did and the USB port is working.
Quick question. Say I made a mistake and don't have the AxeEdit pointed to the right folders in workspace. Would the AxeIII still connect to AxeEdit even though AxeEdit isn't populated with anything?
I also can't bring up Fractal Bot through AxeEdit. Or preset manager or cab manager.
Pcmover - laplink… I recall struggling with Laplink back in the day...guess not much has changed. Glad you got sorted out.
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