AFIII My New Album with my beloved Axe FXIII (Do we still listen to music?)


I was reflecting on how many years ago when I was a kid, without internet, in a small village in Basilicata, southern Italy, where news has always arrived after years, without the opportunity to have an adequate cultural exchange, I was waiting impatiently for the arrival of a monthly catalog where you can buy mail order music CDs.
How nice the wait was (today with PRIME everything arrives in a few days), when I received the courier at home I was excited, I opened the package and the smell of the new CDs I bought was wonderful.
Then I flung myself into my room, where the trusty kenwood cabinet stereo inherited from my older sisters was waiting for me.
I devoured the album, there were no distractions, there were no chats, social networks, whatsapp, text messages were paid and friends came to the intercom at home, I carefully read the lyrics of the songs, I appreciated the graphics, I listened to a CD.
Today, however, we go on the web, there is no waiting, there is no physicality, everything passes in a hurry and there seems to be no more space for attention.
This is my new little album, recorded at home, as an amateur, I hope that the music can still be listened to carefully by those who really love it, what do you think?

Yeah, I remember even before that for me when it was LPs on vinyl. It was an entire experience listening and consuming everything about the music. In this world of Spotify, I have succumb to the listening to singles and putting things on playlists milieu as well.

I like what you did here. It's not same ol' and your playing is excellent.
Yeah, I remember even before that for me when it was LPs on vinyl. It was an entire experience listening and consuming everything about the music. In this world of Spotify, I have succumb to the listening to singles and putting things on playlists milieu as well.

I like what you did here. It's not same ol' and your playing is excellent.
🙏🙏 Thank you so much, for your words
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