My Matrix GT1000FX 2U review


I just upgraded from an ART SLA2 to the Matrix and I have to say I wasnt impressed at first seemed to need to push the treble up on my presets but after a little tweaking sounds fabulous. Main thing I notice it is warmer sound and the treble is not as harsh as the ART infact I use to tend to only use certain AXE amp models but now it opens up more amp models to me that are usable because the top end is not as harsh really smooths the top end less brittle I mean absolutely not brittle lol. One thing I really noticed I dont get ear fatigue from playing like I did before and it really impressed me at rehearsal last how well it cuts through the mix even when my volume was turned down I could hear notes so clearly. I had to chuckle because of the orange lights that eminate from inside it make it look like there are tubes in there. I didnt expect that I thought from the pics online they just added that effect for show LOL. Its a nice touch. I am really happy with my purchase.
yea, i think when people are comparing amps, speakers, etc. they take presets that are designed for the previous gear and then compare the new item with the old preset and it's really not a fair comparison. Everything needs to be reset and built around the strengths and weaknesses of each setup. I wish more people would understand that, they'd get better and more reliable evaluations when they are testing new gear. Enjoy the new Matrix, it's a fabulous amp. It stopped my amp GAS flat out.
The characteristics you describe remind me of my RCF NX10s. The absence of hype while retaining clarity. It makes for a much more pleasant experience and the appreciation really grows over time. If I ever decide to run real cabs again, the Matrix looks like a great choice to run them with.
I just upgraded from an ART SLA2 to the Matrix and I have to say I wasnt impressed at first seemed to need to push the treble up on my presets but after a little tweaking sounds fabulous. Main thing I notice it is warmer sound and the treble is not as harsh as the ART infact I use to tend to only use certain AXE amp models but now it opens up more amp models to me that are usable because the top end is not as harsh really smooths the top end less brittle I mean absolutely not brittle lol. One thing I really noticed I dont get ear fatigue from playing like I did before and it really impressed me at rehearsal last how well it cuts through the mix even when my volume was turned down I could hear notes so clearly. I had to chuckle because of the orange lights that eminate from inside it make it look like there are tubes in there. I didnt expect that I thought from the pics online they just added that effect for show LOL. Its a nice touch. I am really happy with my purchase.

I am in Canada and just wondering where I can buy the GT1000FX? Is the only option Tone Merchants in the US (not suggesting that is a bad option.....just asking the question)?

I just upgraded from an ART SLA2 to the Matrix and I have to say I wasnt impressed at first seemed to need to push the treble up on my presets but after a little tweaking sounds fabulous. Main thing I notice it is warmer sound and the treble is not as harsh as the ART infact I use to tend to only use certain AXE amp models but now it opens up more amp models to me that are usable because the top end is not as harsh really smooths the top end less brittle I mean absolutely not brittle lol. One thing I really noticed I dont get ear fatigue from playing like I did before and it really impressed me at rehearsal last how well it cuts through the mix even when my volume was turned down I could hear notes so clearly. I had to chuckle because of the orange lights that eminate from inside it make it look like there are tubes in there. I didnt expect that I thought from the pics online they just added that effect for show LOL. Its a nice touch. I am really happy with my purchase.

Hi Zman,

I have a GT1000FX on it's way and should arrive early next week. I have been using a Mesa 2:90 PowerAmp/Cabs as well as Ev ELX1112P's as a FRFR solution....

I am wondering with the GT1000FX, where are you running the Axe FX output level and where are you running the GT1000FX's output level? Also, are you running the GT1000FX in real cabs or FRFR speakers?

I own a Axe II and really like my unit and may be considering the Matrix amp but Please help me to understand something, "GT1000FX has been modified to respond even more like a valve power amplifier, giving a “looser” feel and a more open sound that we genuinely believe to be the closest a solid state amp has come to valves!" quoted from the Matrix Site, the Tube Modeling in the II is already excellent, why do you feel you need an amp that emulates valves if the Axe II already does this..... I run my Axe through JBL LSR 4328 Powered monitors and have never felt that the Axe II was lacking in warmth or feel.......... I would like your feedback as I am curious as to the performance of this amp.

Thanks !!!

The best answer here is just to listen. Most SS amps seem to sound flat, harsh or sterile to some extent, the Matrix doesnt. Ultimately its the final sound that matters, and what the claims are, or how amps work isnt that important. Most people who have tried the Matrix seem to agree that it comes closest to the sound/feel they want in a SS amp (some still prefer proper valve power amps).
I own a Axe II and really like my unit and may be considering the Matrix amp but Please help me to understand something, "GT1000FX has been modified to respond even more like a valve power amplifier, giving a “looser” feel and a more open sound that we genuinely believe to be the closest a solid state amp has come to valves!" quoted from the Matrix Site, the Tube Modeling in the II is already excellent, why do you feel you need an amp that emulates valves if the Axe II already does this..... I run my Axe through JBL LSR 4328 Powered monitors and have never felt that the Axe II was lacking in warmth or feel.......... I would like your feedback as I am curious as to the performance of this amp.

Thanks !!!


Yeah, I also find this peculiar as this is what the Axe is supposed to emulate...It would also be nice to use the Matrix as a regular power amp. I'm curious about what it actually does to program material.
Just went to buy the amp for 485 and boom hidden v.a.t., They just lost a sale :(

Hi there,
I am sorry that you feel the VAT was hidden.

It is listed on the bottom of the products page as *excluding delivery and VAT within the EU.
The price has always been £485 + shipping ( + VAT within the EU )

We supply customers outside the EU who don't understand VAT, therefore we list it separately.
The shopping cart also shows the vat and shipping charges as soon as the item is added to the cart.

My best regards
Hi Conflict,
In case it is of use for you the GT800FX @ £385 + shipping + VAT will be within your £485 budget. Please let me know if you would like me to prepare a quote for you.
My best regards
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