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My ''JoyRide'' Axe Fx Ultra

I... just... wow. All I could do the entire time I watched that is blink. Mind-blowing chops and great song/tone!
World-class playing. Why switching to Axe II? The sound cannot be improved I think.

Thanks guys, I appreciate that. Well, At the moment I'm thinking the same thing. I'm really satisfied with my sound, and I've just got the unit, still not much tweaking at all :) It's really stunning!
Hi Igor
really enjoyed this Video! Excellent playing and excellent tone. Great chops:)
Joy is right. I really enjoyed the song and your playing. You've displayed amazing chops while making it musical.
Yeah, that was quite a joyride. Enjoyed that very much!
Not only are you fast on the fret board but also on that pickup switch too. ;-)

Great stuff!
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