My invite has arrived


I received my invite today.

I’ve been using an FM9 for a long time, having purchased one from a friend who was in line very early and when his invite came he didn’t need it.

My dilemma is if I should ignore my invite, buy it as a backup, or buy and sell (no gouging) my current non-turbo FM9.

My current unit is operating perfectly, and still has the film on the screens. I’ve never come close to hitting the limit of the CPU. So it seems like there is no real reason to get the turbo model.

I worry that if I made the effort to buy the turbo model, and to sell my current FM9, the next month would find a NEW Fractal Unit… the “FM18” (or whatever) coming out and all would be for nought.
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I agree the Turbo is worth it IF you make big presets. If you don't ever make presets where you bump into the CPU ceiling there's no reason to change.

The change was worth it for me as I was building some large presets.
You purchased someone’s waitlist spot?
My buddy got on the waitlist right when it first opened and ended up not wanting the FM9 when he got his invite (he had an Axe3 rig). He bought the FM9 and I bought it from him for exactly what he paid.
My buddy got on the waitlist right when it first opened and ended up not wanting the FM9 when he got his invite (he had an Axe3 rig). He bought the FM9 and I bought it from him for exactly what he paid.
Ah. So you didn’t purchase his place in line; you purchased his FM9 from him.
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