My first Axe fx Ultra recording


Finally got around to do it. This is a Blues Jam I recorded in my studio. I did all the instruments(forgive my drumming!) I did 2 versions, The 1st version I used the Axe Fx into a B&K ST140 power amp, through a Mesa 4x 12 V30, mic with 2 57's through a Chandler TG 2 pre's to an SSL XR625 eq and SSL XR 618 comp( SSL 4000), also a 87 through an API AD2. I used no eq, just a bit of compression. The second version I used the Axe Fx with the cabinet sims straight into my TG 2 pre's and both versions were recorded into an Apogee PSX 100 then to ProTools HD. In both versio I used my 64' Fender Strat with EMG's S pick ups. I dialed in a Plexi and a Vox AC 30, both modified and for the cab sims used a 4x 12 25w Celestion for the Plexi and Celestion 2 x 12 Blue's for the Vox. In my opinion I like the mic version better, I only had this unit for 4 days, I still need to learn and tweak it more. The jury is still out for the cab sims, I wish it was possible to move the mic since you can get so many variables doing that. I love the Axe Fx unit and the more I play with it the better it gets. Here is the link to check it out, I used my abandoned My Space page, they are the first 2 tracks on the player. I have other music in it ( before I got the Axe Fx), your welcome to check it out. Hope you enjoy it and please forgive my quick mixes!
Nice stuff, moves right along!
A lot of guys like the IRs you can get over the internet, Redwires and others. There are 10 user slots you can fill with these, and the mic positions can be varied in the IR mix.
Good playing, keep bringing it ;)
Re: Thanks

Thanks, I'll try the IR's and see how it works. I still need to work with the Axe FX, I have the original recording with my Budda superdrive 45 and I honestly prefered the Ax FX so I'm moving in the right direction. I have a Vox AC 15 heritage and the Ax Fx nails it 99% minus the noise. Once works slows down, I'll post some more, I always record my guitar DI for reamping, so I can compare it woith my regular amp.
Thanks soularflair, I wish we could have multiple mic's with the ability to move them. I always found that using multiple mic's you get a fuller sound. When I use my Roadster I use a Ultimate attenuator to get the power tubes to distort, I only drive 2 x 12 in my 4 x12 Mesa cabinet and mic them with 2 57's in diffirent angles the use an 87 set at fugure 8 or use a ribbon mic for a different flavor. Then I mic the unused speakers with a D 112 mic since they are acting as a passive radiator to capture the low end. I don't need to eq the guitars and if I need more chunk, I just crank the D112 signal that I recorded. This works well when you can't crank your amp loud. The only hassle is that you have to lined up the different tracks recorded with the mics due to phase issues, but once they're lined up it sounds really full.
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