My first Axe-FX II recording...


Fractal Fanatic
I am still working out some issues with my II and Pro Tools 9.0.6. The right track was recorded at a slightly lower level than the left. I compensated this in PT as a quick fix. My performance sux and at times the guitar is out of tune. Let me know what you guys think about the guitar tone. I used the Euro Uber model. I am going for a nice spongy crunchy sound. I am getting close to the tone I had on my Ultra. At times I feel like there is too much gain, but not enough at other times.

Feel free to comment.

Cut 125Hz on bass by 6.0dB

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I left both up to compare. I think I may cut it by 2 or 3 more dB. I compare my track to some Dream Theater tracks and my bass was OVERWHELMING!!! In a BAD way... I think it is cleaner and tighter now.

UPDATED MIX AS OF 01-27-2012

Added Room Ambiance to drums, cut 125Hz by a total of 10dB on the bass. Added 1.2dB @ 62Hz on the bass.

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The style is outside my typical music comfort zone these days, but I really like this!

Tight playing, great sound... Tony Iommi would be proud.
You know it!!! I just have to learn how to play again. I haven't written a solo in almost 5 years!!! My chops are at an all time low.
I've got plenty of ideas. I just can't play any of them. I tried doing some improv stuff... I almost though up...
again ,not my personal style .but Killer tone , perfect for the riff aggressive fat as hell with clarity and no mud
Great job!!!!
I know, right? This was the first time I ever used the Euro Uber model. My first thought was, "This is one ANGRY sounding amp!!!" Once I figure out (and have the time to) I want to experiment with reamping this track. I have another patch with the Uber and the Energyball. I want to see if I can get that to sit in the mix nicely. It sounded good when I was demoing the patch. I had to back the gain down a bit too.

Growls like an extremely angry animal.
I love it!
I don't listen to that style of music much, but man you nailed a great tone. It sounds really, really good. You've got some really interesting and musical overtones rocking all over in there. Just bitchin'.

Sure would like to see the preset, so I can study it.
I was definitely waiting for the "meedely meedely" part, too. ;) That was 5 minutes of heavy rhythm with no lead!

As for the tone, sounds great. :)
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