My band's newest song (Ultra, SD2.0, Xpand, Progressive Deathcore content)

I like the musicality behind it. I have to admit that I don't get the vocal style, but I'm sure the folks who were my age (52) when I was in my 20s didn't get everything about my music either. Any chance of getting a lyric sheet posted on SoundCloud? I might get the delivery if I could see the message. Sure sounds pissed, whatever he's saying.

No judgement on the genre, you know, just a middle aged rocker peering into another style of playing. Thanks for posting.
This is an interesting mix of styles, that's for sure. As far as like/don't like, I can't really put an opinion on this because I'm not sure. 15 years ago, I would totally have dug this as I was into Cannibal Corpse, Sepultura, Dissection, etc... but I don't listen to much of that anymore. I can completely hear the influences from death metal and some of the more eclectic prog bands, which I'm still into. There's a fair amount of Dream Theatre in the keyboard/guitar harmonized runs. The drums are very modern, but the bass sounds like old school Korn. Such a weird, creative, strange rollercoaster. I commend you and your band for combining all these things into something cohesive!
Thanks a bunch for the comments guys!! A lot of hard work has gone into our sound over the last few years and I've very proud of its coming to fruition. As far as amp models go, we're using the Recto new on the Ultra. We love the clarity were getting out if it.
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