My band's newest song, 7 string djenty tone on heavy metal song.


My band that broke up back in 2005 is back together now. Here's our latest song taking full advantage of my Axe-Fx Standard for the guitars on the song.

For those who may be interested in any specs of what was used in the recording, guitars were recorded on a Schecter Diamond Series C7 with duncans in it. Bass is a warwick 5 string direct through a Sans Amp (I only add that because the bass helps the raunchiness of the guitar tone all together in the mix soo much) There are no, I repeat, no post EQ or Compression or anything on the individual guitar tracks or guitar bus tracks in my project for this song. Only plugins that were applied are on the bass and the master fader for this mix.

Any kinds of feedback is welcome!
Nice tone, thanks for sharing. I'd love to hear a bit more about the guitar presets ie. amp, IRs, double or quad tracked etc...
I have this preset posted in one of my previous posts. I've only heard from one person having trouble loading it into their axe-edit, if you have trouble let me know as well.
I only recorded once through for each guitar, (once left, and once for right) that one take through is two actual tracks, so basically each left and right is one stereo track, but in my project they're two mono tracks. The left output of the axe into one insert of my interface and the right output into another, both recorded onto mono tracks. Yeah. lol. The preset I used was the preset I posted earlier on before with only some minor almost un noticeable changes, mainly adding just a little more gain to the amp.
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