My AXE-FX MK2 froze up :(


Hello, yesterday was my first day using my brand new AXE-FX 2, but after few hours, while I'm tweaking input gain, my unit froze up :( And the sound has gone. I tried restart and restart + RECAL, but nothing. My screen lights green and all LEDs are off.

What to do?
^ Yes, I did exactly that.

^^ It seams that there are nothing I can do about. So I'll contact support. Thanks!
Yesterday I received my replacement unit, and want to ask you guys is this normal?

1. When you use Axe-Edit software with USB cable and disconnect USB cable from computer or AXE does you AXE freeze?
2. When you connect USB cable only to AXE unit, does you unit shut off the screen and LEDs start to lights from time to time. And when LEDs lights you can here pops in headphones?

Fortunately reboot helps in both problems, but I have fear that, this unit will brake like my previous AXE.

The sound is outstanding, but instead of happiness and inspiration, I feel fear when I use my AXE.

I hope you guys will tell me that I'm doing something wrong. I'm using minimal connections, Phones, Guitar in front input and USB cable. I'm afraid to connect anything else.
Try a different (maybe higher quality) USB cable. I think I remember a user in this forum where the USB cable was the culprit.

You can also just use an audio interface an use SPDIF instead of USB, if you are scared of USB messing things up.
^Thank you Zwiebelchen

My USB cable is the same I used with my Boss Gt-Pro. The only difference is that in place of GT-Pro now i have AXE-FX. Also I have other USB devices such as Motif Rack XS, Korg MicroX, AKAI APC-40, just to name few and I never had such problems with anyone of them.

I'm afraid to connect anything before someone tells me that this is normal :)
Sorry for your issues. Been a Fractal user for 6 years now and gig 3-4 times per month. Never had a single issue other than a loose LCD screen cable. Opened up and reattached and no issue since. They are made really well and sorry to hear you seem to be an exception.
I've got a response from support and thanks god, the problem is not in device :)

They told me to connect and disconnect cables from AXE-FX only when it is switched off. This make sense, although other MIDI devices can be connected and disconnected when you wish.

and they told you to quit Axe-Edit before you connect or disconnect any USB cables. ;)


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I always keep the USB plugged into the Axe-FX II since it sits on my desk. I usually turn the Axe-FX on first. Then plug the USB into the computer and then turn on Axe-Edit. At the end, I turn off axe-edit first, then unplug the USB, and last turn off the Axe-FX.

I have never had an issue doing it this way. Only real issues I have had dealing with the USB connection was on the older versions of Axe-Edit and when I would dial things on the front of the unit and in Axe-Edit. It didnt like that. :)
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