My AXE FX II Tribute to Jeff Hanneman

Here is my tribute to the late Jeff Hanneman: He was a huge influence on my songwriting over the years. This was one of his masterpieces. I hope Me and my Axe II did him justice.
JCM800 Model / blended with Das Metal "His fav mixed with my fav"
Enjoy, Comment.
Remember Jeff Hanneman: Slayer will never be the same without him.
Thank you for the comment. I really appreciate the feedback. I was not sure if i did it good. I really tried to get that Overdriven JCM-800 vibe like they have. Lots of compression on the lead sounds. I used my Carvin Allan Holdsworth HH2 with Stock Pickups. They are PAF like, but really weak. I am replacing them with EMG 57/66 set. The screaming leads would have been better with EMG. My carvin pickups lack the sustain for this sort of thing. Lucky the Axe II can pull sustain out of anything. LOL. Honestly, there's no way that Allan is using his stock pups. Well. He does have 8 delay pedals in his rig so maybe he can get by with weaker pups.
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