Wish Mux Block Inc/Dec - Show Custom Name and Color per Channel

I think it would be really useful to be able to have the mini display show custom names (and custom LED colors) for each channel when using Inc/Dec.
I use the MUX to change my pedal from Wah to Pitch1 to Pitch 2, and find it hard to tell which channel it's on at a glance.
Something like this may be useful for other blocks as well.
Big Plus One on this one. I currently have to copy whole layouts and duplicate scenes just so I can change the LED color of one critical effect. I usually can do 2 or 3 before running out of scenes, but it's a cloodge. I would absolutely love the ability to change the LED color based on the channel of whatever the button is controlling.

That said, what an amazing ecosystem and support. THANK YOU! I love my FM3 long time...
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