much prefer FRFR


I have to say, having used cabs for a few weeks and rotating with a couple of cheapo Rokit 5's, I think FRFR sounds a lot better. Just using standard patches the cabs really colour the tone making many patches sound the same or similar, clearly the cab sims make a big difference. I also thought that with FRFR the notes were more defined with big overdriven chords coming through very clear and surprisingly even 2 small monitors also manage to sound as big as the cabs (home use - but still pretty loud).

I also hear guys talking about the 'in the room' sound and feel of a cab but I found it tough to notice any difference tbh. in fact I thought it was much livelier through the monitors. So far I've enjoyed the axe a lot more with FRFR and I'm looking forward to exploring it more with all this new gear that's due out, all just my opinion of course :D
Well I share your experience... I began with my ev elx 112p speaker and now I wanna sell it and buy a matrix power amp and two passive high powered speakers. Ive gotten the axe to sound like a real amp and cab and I love it
I definitely notice the "in the room" difference...but don't really care. In addition to tonal flexibility, I've never much cared for the way most guitar speakers sounded at low volume. While I've tried my AxeFx with cabs a few times, I've nearly always used it with FRFR.
I flip flop allot, sometimes I’ll play my Atomics and other times my Mesa 2x12 Recto cab (loaded with Warehouse Guitar Speakers, Veteran 30’s) there is a bit of a different feel, mostly in my feet. The guitar cab just resonates in such a way that’s different than my Atomics, however!! This is not a bad thing just different. But like I have said before a 4x12, 2x12, 2x12 open back and so on all have a different feel also. Bottom line I don’t feel that running FRFR is as sterile as some people think, different yes! For sure. I like it all.

I am excited about the new Atomics CLR and see what they have to offer, the passive Atomics I have now are fine, but feel it can be better, and since Jay Mitchell is involved with the new CLR’s I am very curious. But what really has me amped up like a five year old at Christmas is the Matrix solution for the FRFR game. I have allot faith in the Matrix solution, since I own their power amp which I love but the short videos I heard really peaked my curiously. I know it’s a compressed video on YouTube recorded with a camera mic, but I like what I heard!! There is something extra there.

Its save to say, for me, if the Atomic comes out first I will still wait for the Matrix. But if the Matrix comes out first I will probably just get it. Although I like my present FRFR solution right now I have a feeling in the future when I get different FRFR cabs my 2x12 Recto cab will be completely retired from my Axe Fx rig.

Same here... Started out playing two 412 cabs for about a year and finally dove in to FR and haven't looked back. It took a wile for my ears to used to hearing a guitar sound coming from in front of me and from a monitor. The EQ options in the Axe let me taylor the tone to the point where I couldn't really tell and whatever slight differences were their didn't really matter as the benefits far out weighed the whole "amp in the room" vibe.
My first rig with the axe was a mackie 350 and a polytone amp, until I got a qsc K10. I still have to replace the mackie. B
efore the axe I used two combo amps and the transition was no problem at all. To me the axe sounds very similar to the
combos if I use FF IRs and make sure to check all presets at gig volume.

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