MP3 playback via USB - I am thick and cannot get working. HELP PLEASE!


Axe fx hooked up for first time today, through Genelec 8040's - sounds amazing, as though my hearing has been enhanced to the power 100.

However, I have fallen at the first (and painfully simple) first technical hurdle - help please!!

I am trying to play MP3s from my laptop to play over on the Axe. I have installed the driver for Windows (although I ran it first time without the axe connected, contrary to the on-screen instructions, doh!). The Axe is now connected to the laptop via USB 2.0

I am playing MP3 through iTunes but getting nothing on the Axe. I am certain I am being thick but please can someone give me an idiot's guide to getting this to work. When I look in device manager I don't see the Axe appear in the list when I plug the USB in, which is unusual for a USB-connected device. (edit - I now see it higher up the device manager list)

Apologies for this embarrasingly basic question - but v. important I get this working. :?

Thanks Gilesy
Hi 8 string

Had set AxeFX as default in 'Sound' within control panel as per your suggestion - this dialog box states Axe FX ii Audio is working. and when I select "configure" in this same dialog box I can hear two tones, 1 left then 1 right in my Genelecs.

So the laptop can clearly see the Axe as it is playing the test tones to it, but no music from Itunes? strange. Any ideas, anyone?

Thanks G
Sounds like an itunes issue. Go to youtube and play a video. See if you are getting sound that way.
Sometimes you have to restart a program like itunes or WMP to get the sound coming through. If
you are hearing the windows sounds you are VERY close.
Funeral -thanks man. I have just solved it, and you were spot on with your diagnosis. (an incredibly silly thing not to check by me in the first place).

When you plug in USB the Axe FX card appears in sound devices - you select this as default, but unless you close itunes it does not reset the audio device it is using. shut itunes, reopen it, and hey presto, itunes coming out through the monitors which you can then play over.

thanks all for jumping in.
If youre running windows, and have the genelecs hooked up to the axe, change the audio playback sources so that the default audio playback source if the axe fx ii speakers (if drivers are installed properly, the axe fx ii should show up as a sound card) so just make sure all audio plays back on the axe fx through your windows settings
Probably close out itunes before you start the axe ,then bring up itune's .Ought to try seventh string transcribe. Much better for learning tunes
Thanks all for your input and suggestions, all now working

EdgE - Will take a look at seventh string transcribe

Cheers Giles
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