Wish More Tuner Options

I programmed the Feiten offsets into my FM-3, very simple to do them once and they're there. However, I agree that more than two options (std and one other, be it Feiten or something else) would be great.

A side benefit is that the UI could REQUIRE you to pick a tuning first; with the current version, it is all too easy to inadvertently use the wrong tuning. I've caught myself onstage tuning my std guitars to Feiten offsets, and vice versa. If you forget whether you are using or not using offsets, the current UI doesn't force you to consciously choose which of those two options you want. Yeah, I know, that's on the user (me), and I could choose to only use std or Feitenized guitars onstage to minimize that possibility, but a menu-driven dropdown with 6-8 different offset memories would be a step up, IMO.
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