More Troy Grady, this time on Martin Miller

Pretty amazing, as always.

I'd love for him to start a series with classical guitarists.

Someday, his data will be used to create robots/androids who will phase out human guitarists! (Starman, 2112!!! lol)
What's involved with the world-class classical players is mind-blowing. The very best have spent countless hours working on single finger strokes. That's how they perfect their tone. Developing the technique to play difficult passages well and fast passages with apparent ease if something we all strive for. What's involved? A lot, and like with using a pick, there are many variations between players. Maybe it's just me, but I could geek out on that, too. I've enjoyed everything Troy has produced so far.
I haven't purchased Troy's stuff yet, but plan to. Even so, I've benefited, as with watching some of the realizations Eric J's playing brought on in him. Like where it was found that Eric got so lazy he played something impossibly fast and difficult just by accident as his pick bobbed over a string. Having the full videos must really help. I kept rewinding the slow motion video in the teaser. I think I'm really thick-headed when slow motion video is too fast.

Mr Miller is quite smooth and so effortless. ... but shockingly good, as Mr. Marshall Harrison. Lol, I think Mattias Eklund could be sort of the alien of the bunch, if Troy would interview/phone cam him, as a relief for those that Troy is causing to give up picking entirely. And Troy's analysis is so good it would be nice for him to cover more non-pick related issues, maybe whammy.

Even though my guitar don't have none.All these techniques are worthwhile, and all, but they do overwhelm.

Maybe as Frank Zappa knew his musical genius was over peoples heads, so he learned to make them laugh with it as a means to communicate. So maybe it is with Mattias. 51:48

If you were feeling bad about your picking mechanics Mattias will make you feel better. At least you can use a pick correctly.
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