Monitor suggestions

I’m looking at purchasing a nice set of monitors to use instead of a mesa in a bedroom and run a fryette power amp so looking for a set of passive monitors.i don’t know what to expect sound wise and can appreciate it’s not the same as an cab in front of you.will it sound like a recorded guitar that you would hear on an album.not sure if i should spend much on them as not sure what to buy. Thanks in advance guys
Passive monitors? Is the idea that you will use the fryette tube poweramp with them?

Get active ones. For one you want a flat as possible power in terms of EQ/tone, two, the annoyance of setting that up is not worth it in the slightest.

Once you get them you will listen to music on them, watch videos, etc. Not just guitar playing.

Imo for guitar I recommend at least 8 inch ones. More bass response than smaller ones. I use Kali Audio IN-8.

Any / all musicians should have some studio monitors.
Hi Tim,
I have to agree with Cole on this - Consider active monitors, and make them ones that you love.
Alternatively, a pair of old passive studio monitors would fit the bill for what you want I think. Or even some quality passive wedges. Just make sure you can listen to your favorite music on them first. If is sounds great with your favorite tunes, that will probably equate to sounding good with your guitar.
Be prepared to spend. Nothing can exceed your price point like speakers (except perhaps microphones)


I’m looking at purchasing a nice set of monitors to use instead of a mesa in a bedroom and run a fryette power amp so looking for a set of passive monitors.i don’t know what to expect sound wise and can appreciate it’s not the same as an cab in front of you.will it sound like a recorded guitar that you would hear on an album.not sure if i should spend much on them as not sure what to buy. Thanks in advance guys
Hey mate

I use a pair of active Presonus Eris 8 monitors with an active sub and listen to everything through them - computer, music, Axe-FX. And everything sounds GLORIOUS.

I use some Kali LP6 V2 at home. I sounds great for practice. At rehearsal I use some Red Sound Elis 8. Quite happy with those setup
I’ve been eyeing up the Adam A7Vs. Curious if anyone has experience with them, specifically the room correction processing or whatever that is they have.
I have the Presonus Eris E8XT. Good for the money. I’ve been eyeing the Kali In-8, though.

I also got an Arc Studio to calibrate the monitor / room. Highly, highly recommend doing this.
I’m looking at purchasing a nice set of monitors to use instead of a mesa in a bedroom and run a fryette power amp so looking for a set of passive monitors.i don’t know what to expect sound wise and can appreciate it’s not the same as an cab in front of you.will it sound like a recorded guitar that you would hear on an album.not sure if i should spend much on them as not sure what to buy. Thanks in advance guys
Get active are the ones I use......M-AUDIO - 3 Way - 8 " Inch Woofer.


Three-Way Active Studio Monitor​

I’ve been eyeing up the Adam A7Vs. Curious if anyone has experience with them, specifically the room correction processing or whatever that is they have.

I have bought Adam A7V and I think is one of the best sounds I've ever heard.
The higs are not shrill and the sound is soft and spread.

I have not playing guitar since two months ago, but I have tested the Axe III (firm 24) and found it great.

Listening songs is very, very pleasure to me using the A7V. They justify every cent of the price.

I have bought Adam A7V and I think is one of the best sounds I've ever heard.
The higs are not shrill and the sound is soft and spread.

I have not playing guitar since two months ago, but I have tested the Axe III (firm 24) and found it great.

Listening songs is very, very pleasure to me using the A7V. They justify every cent of the price.
Awesome! What about the integrated room correction via sonar works?
Awesome! What about the integrated room correction via sonar works?

I didn’t try it.

I play at home most of the time.
And, for this, the A7V complete the paradise to me.
The Axe III is the effect processor I have waited all my life. Love it!

My gear is a Clarett+ loading the A7V, and Axe III loading the Clarett+.

(I didn’t perceived any significativa difference between Axe III into the A7V or into the Claret+.)

My room has some panels and foam bass trap.
I have the wish to use GIK bass traps.
But here in Brazil everything is very difficult because the high import taxes.

Take a look on GIK web site.
They have a great support.
I think you will like it.

All the best!
I have Adam A5X. I bought them about 12-13 years ago and they still works and sounds good, they are really excellent monitors.
They have nice adjustments backside (high shelf, low shelf, tweeter level and nice choice for inputs/outputs), they don't make that model
anymore but there is newer versions and they are good.

If you have already power amp and cab there is no sense to buy passive monitors -> instead buying active monitors and put them straight to Axe or audio interface where Axe connected is better choice (this is just my opinion)
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I have Hedd type 07 mk2. Hedd was started by the original designer of Adam’s X series of monitors.

But if your goal is achieving the maximum amount of clarity and accuracy, acoustic treatment is more important than the particular speakers you choose. All speakers will be subject to the same reflections, distortion, and room modes caused by your speaker placement and the dimensions of your room, and these issues cannot be fixed with corrective EQ.
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Give us a budget you’re working with,

otherwise everyone and their grandmother will list what their studio monitors they’re using or have used and say it’s the best and better than the rest.

So we can recommend you monitors in ypur budget… and say it’s better than the rest.

Just Poking fun here chill
Awesome! What about the integrated room correction via sonar works?
I did that with the SW measurement mic, and think it sounds much better with the corrective eq loaded into the speaker, and it works easy because this way it does not depend on running SW on your computer.
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