Momentary Toe Switch for Mission Pedals


Fractal Fanatic
I didn't know how to categorize this, so I'm putting it in the lounge.

I have a couple of Mission EP-1 pedals in which I want to install momentary toe switches. I'm currently using one I bought from Amazon (comes under various branding), but the switch throw distance is not optimal for the pedal.

Does anyone know of a momentary switch that works well in a mission pedal?
I think that's the one I have in mine. The problem with mine is that, in order to get the switch at the proper height to engage when you press down hard on the toe, the pedal hits the switch during a normal rocking action (without pressing down on the toe), creating a loud thunk you can easily hear and feel. If I lower the switch, it won't engage when I crush the toe. I need a switch with a shorter throw. I contacted mission, but have not yet received an answer.
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I'm not very bright, what would be the advantage of the momentary switch on an expression pedal?
Most switching on Fractal works best with momentary switches.

It can work with latching but may require special setup (virtual toggle) or behavior may not be what you want (switch state persisting across scene changes).
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