Momentary Control Switch not Working/Saved by Searching Forum


I was struggling for a month trying to get a momentary control switch working as a Per Preset control for an effect. I watched a ton of vids and RTFM.
Goal: Effect on only when pushing the footswitch.
Result: Only worked for a few ms. Tried setting for "HOLD" function, which worked fine, except I didn't like the delay in engaging.

Turns out I was setting the bottom-right switch on my FM9 for "momentary", but it comes from the factory set for Multi-Layout control (heel-toe). So for that particular switch, you have to turn off MLM in order to get it to work as a proper momentary switch. Otherwise it's waiting to see if you're going to hold or heel-toe.

I found this strange bit of info with a bit of forum searching.
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