Moke's Custom Presets - Preset Raffle Sweepstakes - Your chance to own them all! (IS OVER)

Merry Christmas to all!

I will be picking the winners 7 days from today. Get in on it before it's too late.........
I will be picking the winners 6 days from today. Get in on it before it's too late.........
...........only 5 days left before I pick the winners!

Don't miss your chance to have them all, and then some!
...........less than 4 days left before I pick the winners!

Don't miss your chance to have them all, and then some!
Less than 24 hours left to get in on this.........Good luck to those of you that played.
Only 1 hour before midnight here in California. Your last chance to get your ticket for this Raffle!
It's New Years morning here. I will be picking the winners in a little while.............stand by.
Congratulations to all of the winners!

@rushfan .................3rd prize - $100 coupon
@warlockII ..............3rd prize - $100 coupon
@Swells ..................3rd prize - $100 coupon
@Swells ..................3rd prize - $100 coupon
@sandmannn69 ......3rd prize - $100 coupon

@grandinq ...............2nd Prize - Everything currently in the store
@Swells ...................2nd Prize - Everything currently in the store

@tompa909 .............1st Prize - Everything currently in the store and every preset added all of next year
Thanks for putting on the raffle Moke! This is the first time in almost 20 years that I have won a raffle, and I'm completely stoked. Congrats to all the other winners as well.
Thanks for putting on the raffle Moke! This is the first time in almost 20 years that I have won a raffle, and I'm completely stoked. Congrats to all the other winners as well.
Congratulations to all of the winners!

@rushfan .................3rd prize - $100 coupon
@warlockII ..............3rd prize - $100 coupon
@Swells ..................3rd prize - $100 coupon
@Swells ..................3rd prize - $100 coupon
@sandmannn69 ......3rd prize - $100 coupon

@grandinq ...............2nd Prize - Everything currently in the store
@Swells ...................2nd Prize - Everything currently in the store

@tompa909 .............1st Prize - Everything currently in the store and every preset added all of next year
What a way to start off 2017 :)
Can't wait to dive into some of these new presets. I'm sure they're like the other presets I have from you. Which are just awesome!

Thanks again Moke for putting on the raffle. Looking forward to the new presets you put out for 2017. Also to working with you on a one on one level for custom presets tailored to my rig.

Congrats to all that benefited from the raffle.
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