Mixer settings when plugging an AX8 direat to the main mixer


New Member
Many digital mixers come with preset eq settings for each channel. Whether it is a guitar setting, vocal, etc. Since the best sound I get with my AX8 is with an FRFR speaker, what settings do you use on the mixer channel? I have a Mackie DL1608. It does not sound as good as my FRFR.
It will depend on hte FOH speakers too. what you hear from your FRFR might be different to their speakers. You might need to adjust for the gig.
AX8 direct to a Full Range speaker should be the same as AX8 to a Mixer with all settings at default (aside from channel gain/fader level) to the Full Range speaker.
Something to take care of is to check if the mixer ins, when you use XLR cables, can be set to line level and not mic level.
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