Mission Expression Pedal Resellers


We are trying to sign up international resellers to assist the non US Axe-Fx users in getting Mission pedals faster and with less issues with international shipping and import duties. I've seen it suggested on the forum that US suppliers should work with local resellers to get you guys a better deal. It's not always easy getting a response. These are busy folks, and a little customer interest can go a long way to getting them motivated ;-) If you are interested in obtaining Mission products from a local supplier, please feel free to drop the following a line and ask them if they are intending to stock Mission pedals.

Europe. G66. kicks@g66.eu. 49 (0) 461 1828 066
UK. Digital Village. orders@digitalvillage.co.uk. 01708 771951

If you have any suggestions for your preferred resellers, please PM me or drop me an email at james@mission-engineering.com. I've already received a couple of great suggestions. We are specifically looking for a reseller in Australia, so any suggestions there would be very welcome. Thanks. James.
Thanks Kitch. Australia is our second biggest region behind the US right now. We'd love to find a local reseller that would be interested. James.
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