Mission Engineering EP1-L6


New Member
Does anyone know if you can use a Mission Engineering EP1-L6 expression pedal with an MFC-101? I have one from my Pod HD500, but it won't calibrate. It just goes from Min 000 to Max 001. I know they are made specifically for Line-6 products, but I thought I would try it anyway. Thanks!
Since that expression pedal is only for Line6 products according to the Mission Engineering web page it could be that the polarity of the wiring inside the pedal is not the same as what it should for the Axe fx.
I have a pedal that I had to rewire.

Check out this page for more info:
All About Expression Pedals - missionengineering.commissionengineering.com

See point 3, where they talk about wiring. There are three variations. The first one is the one it should be for the Axe FX.
The line 6 gear uses a TS cable on the expression pedal.

Almost all others use a TRS.
That's what I thought. I just didn't know if it would be easy to mod it or something. Oh well. I just over-nighted a Mission SP-2, so I guess the EP1-L6 goes to eBay.

Check out this page for more info:
All About Expression Pedals - missionengineering.commissionengineering.com

See point 3, where they talk about wiring. There are three variations. The first one is the one it should be for the Axe FX.

Point 3 says "Using a pedal with incompatible wiring can result in limited range". Hah. Yeah I guess 000 to 001 is pretty limited! Thanks for the info jepp. And thank you Chris for reminding me that I needed TRS cables!
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