Mini Axe Fest in Germany


Power User
What are the odds? I had a business trip to a small town in Germany, and it just so happens that fellow Fractal forum member Happy Metal lives there. We got together for a jam session with his band. I went over there as a Chemist for a business conference, but got to play rock star for a night :lol. These guys are tight. They have been playing together for decades and are just rock solid. I must admit I was nervous at first - getting picked up by someone I don't really know, taken to an old farm house and then being in a room where everyone is speaking in a language I don't understand. But guess what... music is the universal language 8). Once we started jamming it didn't matter. We played for almost 3 hours and it was a blast. Martin was playing his Axe II, and I was playing his other guitarists Axe Standard, and between the two of us, we ROCKED the old farm house down. Thank you so much for the hospitality Martin! Hope we can do it again 8)
whoooooooooaaah nelly why u wasting digital pixels on u guys when I spy somethin' prettier in the first picture on the wall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sounds like fun the universal language, music and racks above the racks.;)
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Sounds like a blast.

Lived in Germany 6 years total while I was in the service.

Love that Country.

Was there last year for a couple weeks. Was a little depressing as I visited a couple of my old Army bases. They were either completely renovated with apartment complexes (Camp Pieri in Wiesbaden) or in the process of being renovated (Hutier Kaserne in Hanau).
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