midisport 4x4 and windows 7 64, will I have troubles doing update?


Hello a friend said I could have his midisport 4x4, the older one. Will I have any troubles using it to update my fractal to version 11? Does this device well work with the axe? Thanks for any feedback.
Hello a friend said I could have his midisport 4x4, the older one. Will I have any troubles using it to update my fractal to version 11? Does this device well work with the axe? Thanks for any feedback.
It wont work.
There are no updated drivers for the older one that work with Win 7 . I had to buy the newer anniversary edition for my Win 7 32&64 pc's.
Sorry for so many questions, if I try to download the driver and it works with axe edit can I then presume it would work to update firmware? Or would that be a bad assumption. Thanks again
AxeEdit working means you can connect and transfer short messages. Long messages like a firmware update tend to expose more problems.

Thanks LMO for your response. If the latest driver update for the midisport works fine for axe edit and I proceeded to attempt a firmware update on the ultra. If something went wrong and it wasn't able to complete would it just not work or would it crash? Would I be able to do some sort of reset on the axe and go back to where I was when I started? I don't want to do anything to cause damage. I feel like such a pest with all the questions, I hope you guys don't mind my asking. Just trying to learn as I get started. Hopefully one day I can be an active participant answering questions instead of asking. But anyway thank you for your time.
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