MIDI-USB-OUT for Expression Pedal?


New Member
Hello everybody,
had the AxeFX II and MFC-101 (both Mark I) for about 2 years but I'm starting to really get into all of its features just now.
I have a Mission Engineering SP-HR expression Pedal connected to the MFC which is connected to the AxeFX via expansion cable.
The AxeFX is connected to Ableton 11 on my MacBook via the USB port.
I can control the AxeFX via MIDI. Switch scenes, control the Wah etc. Works just fine!
I'd like to record the MIDI-Data of a Wah-pattern from my expression pedal in Ableton.
My problem is: there's no data put out from the AxeFX. It receives MIDI from the pedal/MFC but it doesn't pass it on to my Mac.
Is there a solution for this or is it simply not possible with the AxeFX II?
Doesn't work on a specific MIDI-channel nor the Omni-setting.

Important Settings:

Thanks in advance!!
I'm not certain, but I don't believe the Mark I or Mark II Axe FX is able to pass MIDI from the MFC when it's received via FASLINK or Ethercon/RJ45. I think that feature was added with the XL and XL+ models.

If you connect your MFC-101 to the Axe FX with a MIDI cable it should then pass that traffic along when MIDI Thru is turned on.
OK, thanks a lot!
Another little question:
as soon as I manually change a parameter the Ableton stops controlling the Axe.
Example: I play a clean sound in the verse and in the chorus a distorted sound. As soon as I decide to manually add an effect in the verse the Axe stops being controlled by the DAW meaning there's no automatic change to the distorted sound in the chorus.. actually no changes at all until I restart both, the AxeFX AND Ableton.
Is there a setting I could have missed that handles this problem?
USB Adapter Mode = On should pass MIDI from both MIDI In and MFC ports to computer, according to the manual. (No FASLink port on Mark I/II)

The MIDI Thru setting isn't relevant for this.

Did you enable the Axe-FX as a MIDI Input device in Ableton?
Do you mean the MFC MIDI ports? Unfortunately, I don't have a 5-pin MIDI cable right now.
Yes, both, input and output are enabled!
So if I got you right it should work!? Any idea why it doesn't ? :sweatsmile:
As I said, Axe FX MIDI Input is enabled but there's no outbound MIDI signal coming through at all.
Is the Mark I even capable of sending this kind of MIDI information? It also doesn't work if I use the PEDAL Input on the Axe.
I believe that without a third-party DIN-to-DIN(-to-USB) you won't be able to get MIDI out/thru from the Axe to Live 11.
The Axe II has USB Adapter Mode that allows it to function like USB Midi interface. I know it worked on the XL as I used to capture expression pedal MIDI data from the MFC-101 in Reaper that way. I'm just not certain how it worked on the earlier Mark I and II versions. I also had a Mark III MFC-101 (connected via Ethercon), so I'm not sure if that made any difference either.
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