midi sequential commands question


Fractal Fanatic
Hi, in order to limit Mexican tap dance during solos I would like to automate some scene transitions on tap tempo counts.
For example : at a delay of 16 counts goto scene 3; at a delay of 32 more counts goto scene 4 at a delay of 32 more goto patch nr 18...etc.
I have a Gordius LG2 that has these commands implemented but in order to use this it needs a midi clock message input with midi start & stop command. Axe fx II doesnt send these on its midi out (and I domt think it will be implemented on the 3 either) Also the LG2 seems to have some latency on CPU treatment of the midi commands which introduces latency....very disturbing and a big hassle to reduce tempos to the correct size so to compensate for this latency.

Does somebody know a littĺe box that can be programmed on an internal tap tempo or on taptempo input plus a PC message to play down this kind of sequences as a patch?

Something like a small sequencer but producing only tap tempo based PC and CC messages ?

Example : I push PC 17 on the midi out of the LG2 and the "thing" would play down a sequence where it would send CC34 value 02 (scene 3) after 16 beats, CC34 value 03 (scene 4) after another 24 beats and then PC18 after another 32 beats ....

Hoping anybody understands the question...
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