MIDI preset change via USB?


For my cover band I use my tablet for preset changes using MIDI via USB. It worked fantastic with my RJM, but I just bought an FC-6 that isn't cooperating. I have a post about it in the FC forum. My plan B is to run a USB cable to the Axe-FX. I'm testing this but the Axe-FX is not responding to the MIDI commands. Both the tablet and AXE-FX are set to channel 2. Is there something I need to do to have the Axe-FX recognize MIDI via USB?

The Fc series are not midi, midi is done through the midi block on the actual unit. The fc is really just a remote for the iii, 9 or 3.
Plan B is the only option. The USB port on the FC controllers is not used. Like Anthony76 said, they are not MIDI controllers. You will have to connect the USB cable to the Axe FX itself.
That's unfortunate. But why isn't the Axe-FX recognizing the preset changes? Does it have to be thru the midi port to recognize the command? It can't receive it via USB?
That's unfortunate. But why isn't the Axe-FX recognizing the preset changes? Does it have to be thru the midi port to recognize the command? It can't receive it via USB?
Check your midi settings. Make sure receive midi program change is on.

I do what you want and it’s no issue
That's unfortunate. But why isn't the Axe-FX recognizing the preset changes? Does it have to be thru the midi port to recognize the command? It can't receive it via USB?
Because the FC itself it not capable of sending MIDI messages. It is not a MIDI controller. The USB port on the FC's is not used and is not capable of relaying data to the Axe III. Even FC functions like CS MIDI do not come from the FC unit. They are generated by the Axe III and are simply triggered remotely by the FC.

From the FC manual:

 USB Port — The USB port on the FC controller is reserved for future use. It is not required for firmware
updates, which are performed via the Axe‑Fx III over FASLINK II. In fact, most features of the FC controller
are part of the Axe‑Fx III itself, meaning that new Axe-Fx or FM3 firmware can also add features to the FC.

The FC units are basically dumb remote terminals with switches and screens. The Axe III is doing all the work. Connect your USB cable to the Axe III instead of the FC-6 and it will switch via MIDI over USB just like you are expecting.
You need to use the midi block in the axefx and program your msgs there….i think. I can’t check until I am in front of the unit tomorrow afternoon. Memory ain’t what it used to be.
He's trying to send midi thru the USB on his FC... No setting is going up solve the problem ;)
Right, but we already cleared that one off the plate earlier in the thread. Now he’s wondering how to configure his Axex-Fx to respond to PC messages. If I’m reading him right.
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