midi mate help please


At rehearsal last night my midi mate (patch 5 / button 5 for example) jumps to patch #261 in my Axe-FX (while still properly reading patch 5 on the midi mate pedal). Went through entire practice with scrolly wheel (made for an awkward & kind of crappy practice).

What have I done -- can anybody possibly help? I've swapped new cables so that is surely not the issue. Thank you!!!!

EDIT: I have done a complete "factory reinitialize" to the midi mate and that has not helped. I am at a complete loss...
You haven't accidentally set the display offset to some huge value on the axe fx have you? [edit: i just checked, and it's not possible. Sorry :S]
If you have a midi interface, maybe you could try connecting the midimate to it, to try to see if it's sending the correct numbers when you press the buttons (ie, whether the problem is with the midimate or the axe fx).

Is there any sort of pattern to the problem? IE, does bank 5, button 5 always select preset 261 and does bank 5, button 4 select preset 260?
Fikealox said:
If you have a midi interface, maybe you could try connecting the midimate to it, to try to see if it's sending the correct numbers when you press the buttons (ie, whether the problem is with the midimate or the axe fx).

Is there any sort of pattern to the problem? IE, does bank 5, button 5 always select preset 261 and does bank 5, button 4 select preset 260?

Yes; there is a pattern. Always the same. For about 10 minutes into a session, the midimate interface works fine... then I'll make a patch change (e.g. midimate button 5 should bring up Axe-FX #5 patch) and the midimate will unexpectedly bring up #261 for example... and midimate button 6 bring up Axe-FX patch #262, and so forth. There is NO getting back unless I power down midimate and Axe-FX. Weird.

I got so frustrated I wiped clean my midimate and re-entered all info by hand (man, that took a LONG time---pita). I am midi-clueless so any ideas will be appreciated? Time for a Liquid Foot?
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