midi floor board with 15 presets switches without to change


Hi Everybody,

I am looking for a midi foot switch that allows me to switch between 15 presets without changing any bank value.
I have a Rocktron midimate with only 10 presets on each bank, it is not enough for my use.
I don't want to change bank while I'm playing and I don't care about control change midi parameters...
The only thing I want is something like the midimate with 15 presets under the foot.
I have no interest in midi programmation except the presets,I have 15 presets in my ultra and they are close each other in the first bank (50 to 65)
Could someone help me to find such a floorboard please ?
Thanks for your answer.
Best regards.
In the spec for midi-mate it say's one setting lets you select patches up to 99 by hitting two switches-example 1+2=12 and so on :?:
Thanks Angello,

Yes I know that, but I wish to change between 15 presets by hitting only one button.
By hitting two buttons I make mistake and go to wrong patch.

Best regards Angello.
Liquid-foot can go to 12 directly and every IA switch can be programmed to do a PC
If you wouldn't mind stepping on a few extra buttons, then the Gordius LG-X has 29.
There are 2 buttons D1 and D2 for direct banks.
You can use these banks to extend a bank but loose the direct banks.
In the layout of the Gordius, there are 13 preset buttons.
Oh yes, there are 13 presets in an normal bank ;-)
If you use the direct banks as extensions it works as follows:
the top five switches (9 - 13) are unaltered but go to position 25 - 29 in the bank
First you have 1 - 8
Stepping on D1 gives you 9 - 16
Stepping on D2 gives you 17 - 24
Hi Mister E,

It is a good idea, I'm not sure I have all understood what you mean ( my english could be better,I can speak french and german), but I noticed 13 presets available with one button hit.
I'm going to see more details about the Gordius.
Thanks for your help.
Best regards.
styxou said:
Hi Voes,

12 is better than 10, but I would like to have 15.

Thanks Voes.

I don't think you understood voes. Liquid foot has a 12 preset mode. You could then program any or all of the remaining switches to act as preset switches as well. There are 22 switches altogether.
Hi Everybody,

Thanks for your help, I understand better, Liquid Foot enables 22 presets without any change of bank,Gordius 29, All Access 15.
Is that right?
Best regards.
The Liquid Foot controllers can also send different program changes with the 2nd or 3rd or whatever press of a switch, so even with a Jr. you could have 15 presets controlled by 8 buttons with never more than 2 clicks of the same footswitch. I'm pretty sure you could set the color of the LEDs to indicate which level any preset was currently on, but I'm not positive about that as I'm in very early stages with my LF Jr.
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